
Egyptian connections to the British Isles?

To recap, Hippolyto Joseph da Costa made an attempt to

"prove that modern Freemasonry derived from ancient Greek philosophical and religious ideas".

It’s strange, however, that the account as published doesn’t make any mention of where ancient Greeks got a great deal of their knowledge from. We know, for example, that Aristotle and Pythagoras were both influenced by Egyptian esoteric knowledge, and both may have spent time studying in Egyptian Mystery Schools.

Egyptian kings are often shown wearing a pryramid-shaped apron e.g. The Pyramid Apron of The Pharaohs and the Masonic Tomb of Seti.

Thoth Hermes Trismegistus, before he was revered as a god, founded one of the greatest Egyptian Mystery Schools. He is reported to have received his wisdom while in meditative trances, and to have written over 40 books including the Emerald Tablet, The Book of Thoth and The Divine Pymander. The Book of Thoth was reserved for graduates of the Mystery School. After his deification, he was portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god with the body of a man, head of an ibis, and a crescent moon over his head.

Another of the schools was known as Royal School of the Master Craftsmen, which is immediately suggestive of a masonic connection. Based at Karnak, and founded by Pharaoh Thuthmosis III.

This school was also known as the Great White Brotherhood due to the members choice of raiment (white robes).
Ref : Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries

It is said to have gone into decline as new Dynasties emerged, such as Solomon’s in Israel. Perhaps that is where the school moved. What might have prompted it to move? A look into some of the connections between Egyptian and Israel may shed some light on this. One of the most famous of biblical characters is Moses, portrayed in the Bible as an adopted orphan. He is also known in Egyptian records, first as Amenhotep IV then as Akhenaten who married twice. Once to Nerfetiti and then to Meri Amen (Miriam).
Ref : Library of Halexandria

Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten / Moses) (“Effective spirit of Aten”) was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, who is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten... although there are doubts as to how successful he was at this. He was born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiye and was their younger son. Akhenaten was not originally designated as the successor to the throne until the lack of any other alternatives. Amenhotep III and his wife, Sitamun, for example, had failed to produce a male heir.

It is also reported that:

This line of high priestess of Egypt from Miriam (Mery Amon) onwards have names like Mary, even while in exile, through to Mary Magdalan. Joseph is an honorary title; "Father of the Lord" - given to anyone who is the father of someone who marries the High Priestess. i.e. into the royal line of Egypt

When the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, their spiritual leader was not Moses, but Miriam - a queen and high priestess of the Pharonic succession. In the Book of Jasher it explains that it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who left Egypt for Sinai; their spiritual leader and chief counsellor was Miriam, the half-sister of Moses who receives only passing mentions in the book of Exodus. One daughter was called Merytaten who married Aaron (Smenkhkare) c.1361 BC. One of their children was a daughter, Scota, married to Niul of Scythia. Scota (or Scoti) reappears later in Irish legends of their origins.

Who is this Niul that suddenly becomes part of the history of Egypt and Israel? According to Marcus Junianus Justinus (Roman historian):

there was long a dispute between them and the Egyptians concerning the antiquity of their respective races, … (after discussion) … the Scythians were always accounted the more ancient ... upon report of his great learning he (Niul) was invited into Egypt by Pharaoh, the King; who gave him the land of Campus Cyrunt, near the Red Sea to inhabit, and his daughter Scota in marriage.

These are the same Scythians who had originally emigrated from Gaul. Is Niul of Scythia the ancestor of Niall of the Nine Hostages, and all the Uí Néill dynasties?

Egypt in London, Paris and New York : Cleopatra's Needle in London is quite famous. People in Britain might not know there are two more, one in Paris and one in New York. The one in New York is of interest:

Jesse B. Anthony, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, presided as the cornerstone for the obelisk was laid in place with full Masonic ceremony on 2 October 1880. Over nine thousand Masons paraded up Fifth Avenue from 14th Street to 82nd Street.
Moving the obelisk

Next : Hidden Circles

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